Some of the alleged leading perpetrators of the ‘Kucheng massacre’, Gutian

Some of the alleged leading perpetrators of the ‘Kucheng massacre’, Gutian


University of Bristol - Historical Photographs of China reference number: Os04-081. Photo from an album (UoB reference Os04) kept in the School of Oriental and African Studies Archives, London (SOAS reference MS 380 876/4). Related to the killing of eleven missionaries and Chinese Christians on 1 August 1895, at the mission houses in Huashan (华山), near Kucheng (Gutian), Fujian Province, by ‘Vegetarian’ rebels, who were part of a religious movement called zhaijiao (‘fasting school’), so called because they took vows of vegetarianism. The caption in the album (‘Same as above’) refers to the caption in the album for Os04-080 (i.e. ‘Tu Chu-yi, the flag bearer at Wha Shan / Cheng-huai Long fingernails / Lui Hsiang-hing The Propagandist / Chang ch’il A prominent Vegetarian’). See Os04-080.

Caption in album or on mount

The same as above / Executed at Foochow on Thursday 7th November 1895



Estimated Date

August-September 1895




Black and white photograph


Archives & Special Collections, SOAS Library, University of London