General Ma Hongkui with 10th Panchen Lama, 1949

© Malcolm Rosholt
University of Bristol - Historical Photographs of China reference number: Ro-s144. Typed caption, with errors, on back of photograph. On the left: Ma Hongkui (Ma Hung-k'uei, Ma Hang-Kuei), 1892-1970, Governor of Ningxia. Rosholt met the young Panchen Lama in the autumn of 1949 at Lanchow (Lanzhou). "This is probably the only picture taken of the young Panchan Lama who I met in Lanchow in Kansu in northwest China. He is being greeted here by Ma Hang-Kuei, governor of Ningsha province who was visiting Lanchow at the time. Less than a week after I saw him he was captured by Communist police and taken back to Beijing where he spent several years being re-educated, before he was sent to a post in western Tibet, where he died in 1989" Source: ‘Rainbow Around the Moon’ by Malcolm Rosholt, page 181.
Caption on photograph
Ma Hung-kwei, governor of Ninghsia province, shakes hands with young Panchan Lama, in meeting held at Lanchow, fall of 1949. Panchan died at Shingatze, Tibet in early 1980s. Fate of General Ma unknown to me. I was having a talk with him at a hotel or police hqts in Lanchow when aides to Panchang Lama announced his arrival, and I rose to leave, saying in Chinese I did not want to interfere, but he insisted i stay and to sit down and have come tea., wyile [sic] he talked to the visitor.--Rosholt photo
Black and white photograph