Tiffin party at Gustav Siemssen's bungalow, Kuliang

Tiffin party at Gustav Siemssen's bungalow, Kuliang


University of Bristol - Historical Photographs of China reference number: Os03-075. Photo from an album (UoB reference Os03) kept in the School of Oriental and African Studies Archives, London (SOAS reference MS 380 876/3). Tiffin = lunch. Kuliang was a hill resort near Foochow (Fuzhou). Juan Mencarini (1860-1929), a Spanish employee of the Chinese Maritime Customs Service, philatelist, photographer and later businessman, is standing on the left at the front, in the darker suit. Werner Krohn (the man with a trimmed moustache, wearing a white suit), who co-founded the company Siemssen & Krohn with Gustav Theodore Siemssen, is sitting to the left of Juan Mencarini. Gustav Theodore Siemssen (wearing a dark waistcoat and a cap) is sitting in front of Werner Krohn. Gustav Siemssen's bungalow was no. 69.

Caption in album or on mount

Tiffin party at Siemssen’s Bungalow Kuliang Dec 1892




December 1892




Black and white photograph


Archives & Special Collections, SOAS Library, University of London

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