British soldier, Welch Regiment, Shanghai
'King of the Beggars', Longhua Pagoda, Shanghai
Funeral of a Chinese high official, Shanghai
Sign at a public convenience, Shanghai
A woman beggar or refugee, with two babies in baskets
Children by a roadside stall, Shanghai
Huxinting 'The Willow Pattern Tea House', and zigzag bridge, Shanghai
A performance on a quay, with spectators, Shanghai
Silver lining (an evening scene), over the Bund and River Huangpu, Shanghai
A car parked on the Bund at night, Shanghai
Looking down Foochow Road (Fuzhou Lu), at the corner with Shanse Road (Shanxi Lu Nan), Shanghai
A dye house on North Szechuen Road (北四川路), viewed from Sichuan Road Bridge (四川路桥), looking across Beisuzhou Lu (北苏州路 North Soochow Road), Shanghai
A fundraising event at the Tianchan Theatre, Shanghai, to support relief for wartime refugees
A woman with her son Michael, aged 6 months, Shanghai
An amah with Michael, aged 6 months, Shanghai