Ningpo woman
A woman lying on a chaise longue in a photographer's studio, with a stuffed cat
A woman with bound feet, lying on a bench in a photographer’s studio, reading a book
Woman with flowers and pipe
Kam Lia and his wife, Zhangpu
Children with grandparents
The wives of one of the mandarins at Dongshan
Ko-sian si and his family, Dongshan
Family with tiger shooting guns and agricultural tools, near Toa Bo mountain, Zhangpu
The fate and feet of three Chinese girls - a bare footed slave, a girl with bound feet, and a Christian with unbound feet
Two women with bound feet turning a millstone, near Beijing
Old woman with bound feet, by barbed wire, Shanghai
Woman with bound feet supported as she walks, Shanghai
British soldier helping a woman with bound feet, Shanghai
Buying fruit from a street seller, Beijing
Passengers on a train, north China
Chinese woman, with bound feet, beside a chair
A large group of Chinese women
Chinese woman with bound feet