Shops and signboards in a street, 雙門底 (Shuang men di), Guangzhou
A Shanghai Municipal Police ambulance outside Deutsche Apotheke (Sine Pharmacy), 14 Broadway, Shanghai
Crowds watching a procession welcoming the Northern Expedition (Nationalist forces), Shanghai, 1927
Revd. James Stratford Collins
Archdeacon Byrde and Christine, with a goat
Zhengyangmen (正阳门) / Qianmen (前门), Beijing
The British Women's Work Association workroom, Shanghai
Members of the 1st Chinese Regiment attending the coronation of Edward VII, London
Relief forces arriving at British Legation, Peking
Cyril and Anne Bell on their wedding day, Shanghai (上海)
Group at the wedding of Cyril and Anne Bell, Shanghai (上海)
Cricketers, Hankow
At the Hankow Race Club (汉口赛马会)
Group of young Chinese men, Ningbo
Li Hongzhang (1823-1901), wearing a fur coat
Hugh Fawcus
James Fawcus Carrall with his amah
Frances Carrall and Baby Jim, her tenth child
Maude and Kathleen Carrall
Phyllis and Gwen Carrall, with a doll