The veranda of a Chinese teahouse, Hong Kong
Zetland Hall (Masonic Lodge), Hong Kong
Two women chatting, Xiamen
A wealthy married couple, Xiamen
A man outside a building above a kiln by a pool
The Buddha, main hall, Yongquan Monastery (涌泉寺 Kushan Monastery), Drum Mountain, Fuzhou
A portrait of a Pepohoan woman, wearing a headscarf, Baksa, Taiwan
A portrait of a Pepohoan woman, Baksa, Taiwan
Gochi, a twenty-year old Pepohoan woman, wearing a headscarf, Baksa, Taiwan
A thirty-year old Pepohoan woman, Baksa, Taiwan
A thirty-six year old Pepohoan man, Baksa, Taiwan
A Pepohoan mother, with her child in a sling, Baksa, Taiwan
A man beside a huge Banyan tree with exposed roots, Taiwan
Ningbo junks, one loaded with poles
A group near a tea pavilion, Wanshoushan (Longevity Hill 万寿山), Beijing
A group of ten men in front of a screen
A group of eighteen, including Sir Robert and Lady Hart, on the steps outside a temple or hall
Two characters on stage, with a spinning wheel
Sir Robert and Lady Hart, with their children, Evelyn Hart and Edgar Hart
A person dressed as a bear