Studio portrait of Ani Chokyi, Darjeeling
A woman lying on a chaise longue in a photographer's studio, with a stuffed cat
A woman beggar or refugee, with two babies in baskets
‘Reward for Filial Love’, Tiger Balm Garden (Haw Par Mansion), Hong Kong
‘The Wail of the World’s Weary Womanhood’
Pottinger Street, photographed from Queen's Road, Central, Hong Kong
A man resting on a chair and a woman mending clothes near the waterfront, Hong Kong
Street food cooks with customers eating at trestle tables, Shanghai
A boat with many passengers
Three men and a woman on a hill track
Women using a paddle to clean laundry in a stream, near a bamboo drying rack
Stone bridge with gargoyle, over a sluice, Ningbo
Three women with baskets on embankment steps
Shanghai Municipal Police and friends picnic in the country
John and Phyllis Montgomery with another woman on the houseboat 'Pursuit'
Crew and passengers aboard the houseboat 'Pursuit'
Women looking up to passengers and holding streamers from a departing ship