Pottinger Street, photographed from Queen's Road, Central, Hong Kong

University of Bristol - Historical Photographs of China reference number: JC01-42. There are signs for two dentists, one on each side of the street: on the left [...]RY-FONG and on the right KWONG TAT [...]. This photograph was taken from Queen’s Road Central. A simlar view by James Ricalton is reproduced on page 127 of 'Picturing Hong Kong Photography 1855-1910' (Asia Society Galleries, New York, 1997)',' showing the shop of the photographer Pun-Lun in c.1901 in the same premesis where the dentist' 'Kwong Tat [...] has his surgery in JC01-42. See https://gwulo.com/node/4055/photos (for more photographs of Pottinger Street).