Staff, 67th (South Hampshire) Regiment of Foot, Tianjin, 1861

Staff, 67th (South Hampshire) Regiment of Foot, Tianjin, 1861


University of Bristol - Historical Photographs of China reference number: GA01-034. Official formal group photograph taken at the request of Count Eulenburg, the Prussian Ambassador. Standing, left to right: James Mongan, Ensign Irvine, Captain R.W. Brooke. Sitting, left to right: Captain [...]son [...], Brigadier-General C.W.D. Staveley. Brigadier-General Charles W. D. Staveley, C.B. (Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath) was given command of the 1st Brigade of Michel's 1st Division during the Anglo-French expedition to Peking, and was present at the capture of the Taku forts. R.W. Brooke, Major of the Brigade. See

Caption in album or on mount

The Staff. Tientsin. 1860-1861 Jas Mongan A G Consul Ens. Irvine A.W.C. Captn. [...]son [...] Brigr. Genl. Staveley Comd. the troops Tientsin & Taku Captn. Brooke Major of Brigade Tientsin June 1861 Photograph taken at the request of Count Eulenburg, Prussian Ambassador, who presented each officer with a copy.




June 1861


197mm x 165mm




Black and white photograph

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