A dye house on North Szechuen Road (北四川路), viewed from Sichuan Road Bridge (四川路桥), looking across Beisuzhou Lu (北苏州路 North Soochow Road), Shanghai
A fundraising event at the Tianchan Theatre, Shanghai, to support relief for wartime refugees
A woman with her son Michael, aged 6 months, Shanghai
An amah with Michael, aged 6 months, Shanghai
The ‘King of the Beggars’ (or the Chief of a Beggar Guild) and his grandson
A woman with bound feet, lying on a bench in a photographer’s studio, reading a book
A photomontage Christmas card, 1926 – HMS Vindictive
H.M.S. Orlando at Plymouth, England
H.M.S. Orlando
An itinerant dentist, with spectators, Guangzhou
Amy Oxley Wilkinson with the Boys’ Blind School Band, Fuzhou
Hoisting Charles Lindbergh’s plane ‘Sirius’ from the Yangtze River onto HMS Hermes, Hankow (Wuhan)
Shrine sculpture and mural artwork, Yellow Crane Tower (黄鹤楼), Wuchang (Wuhan)
Tsin-Hou, a film actor, star of 'Li Hang the Cruel'
A pilgrim giving a coin to a beggar in a straw shelter
Chinese Christian girls sewing
A band of musicians
Sailors decorating HMS Terrible, Hong Kong - GOD SAVE THE KING
A woman with a spinning wheel