Three men by the stage, Tian Fei Gong (天妃宫 / Tianfei Palace), a Mazu Temple, Ningbo (宁波市)

Three men by the stage, Tian Fei Gong (天妃宫 / Tianfei Palace), a Mazu Temple, Ningbo (宁波市)


University of Bristol - Historical Photographs of China reference number: Bo01-091. Photograph attributed to Charles Frederick Moore. This temple is one of two temples in Ningbo to the sea-goddess Mazu. The temple known locally as Tian Fei Gong (天妃宫 / Tianfei Palace), and officially as Ling Ci Gong (靈慈宮 / Lingci Palace), was originally built in 1191 and served as the Ningbo Fujian Guild Hall (八闽会馆). The Tian Fei Gong temple was destroyed and rebuilt several times. It was finally ruined by bombing in 1949. The temple was located at the intersection of modern day Jiangxia Street and Dongdu Road, Haishu District, Ningbo. The other Mazu temple in Ningbo is known as the Qing’an Guildhall (慶安會館), which still stands, and is now the East Zhejiang Maritime Affairs/Folk Custom Museum (浙東海事民俗博物館). See Bo01-038, Bo01-039, Bo01-090, Bo01-092, Bo01-093, Bo01-094, Bo02-009, Bo02-043, Bo02-052, Sw13-019 and Sw13-020.

Caption in album or on mount

Fokien Guild House Ningpo.



Estimated Date





Black and white photograph