Tobacco Workers' Union strike poster, Shanghai, 1933

© John William Ephgrave
University of Bristol - Historical Photographs of China reference number: Ep01-729. Strike poster at British Cigarette Company factory, Pudong, later known as Yee Tsoong Tobacco Co. Ltd. Transcription: 中国国民党上海特别市执行委员会上海市社会局会街布告 / 为会街布告事, 此次第五区卷烟业工会办理改选乃英美工人竟因争选之故, 迭肇械斗滋生 纷扰 , 开本市工会选举未有之恶习, 倘不严予彻究则此风一长必致相率效尤, 影响治安秩序殊非浅鲜. 除派员彻查并函公安局务获行凶暴徒严讯主谋按法重惩 外, 合行会街布告关于该会选举事宜应即停止进行, 静后解决. 倘该会工友对于此次事变如有意见陈述或有冤抑之处均可迳向本局会具呈告诉。设有不法之人乘机起釁或藉隙 寻仇者概 以 暴徒 处 治, 决不姑宽, 仰各谨 遵毋违,切切特此布告。/ 中华民国22年3月27 日 / 常务委员:吴醒亚, 潘公展, 童行白 / 局长:吴醒亚. A translation: Guomindang Shanghai Special Municipality Executive Committee and the Shanghai Municipal Social Affairs Bureau Street-wide Announcement / In order to make a street-wide announcement: District 5 Rolled Tobacco Workers Union arranged another election this time because B.A.T. workers contested the result, which has repeatedly led to armed clashes between the two groups and the proliferation of disorder. In the beginning, union elections never had this bad habit/practice. If we are not strict and thorough in investigating the roots of these conflicts, this practice [state of affairs] will grow as one after another will follow the bad example. The effect on public order will not be insignificant. Besides dispatching personnel to thoroughly investigate matters and collaborate with the public security bureau to capture the ruffians, interrogate the chief instigators, and punish them severely according to the law. [We] also make street-wide announcements that this matter of the union election should be put to a halt and resolved only after things have calmed down. If said fellow workers of the union want to state their opinions/objections about the recent incident or have unredressed issues about injustices, they can file a complaint directly to the [Municipal Social Affairs] Bureau or the [Executive] Committee. If it ever happens that criminals seize the opportunity to provoke discord or take advantage of loopholes to seek revenge, they will be punished without exception. There will be zero tolerance. We hope each and everyone will solemnly obey without violation. It is absolutely essential to follow this announcement. / 1933 March 27 / Standing committee members: Wu Xingya, Pan Gongzhan, Tong Xingbai / Bureau Chief: Wu Xingya. See Ep01-730, Ep01-731, Ep01-732, Ep01-733, Ep01-734, Ep01-735, Ep01-736, Ep01-737, Ep01-738 and Ep01-790.
March 1933
Black and white photograph