Tobacco Workers' Union strike poster, Shanghai, 1933

Tobacco Workers' Union strike poster, Shanghai, 1933


Ephgrave, Jack




University of Bristol - Historical Photographs of China reference number: Ep01-730. Strike poster at British Cigarette Company factory, Pudong, later known as Yee Tsoong Tobacco Co. Ltd. Transcription: 通告 / 为通告事,查厂方颁布管理规则, 紊乱工厂法规,破坏劳资条件。前经本会呈请上报修正并商知厂方暂缓实行,业经函告在案。 惟以事 关八千工友利害,前途应有切实之准备以作长期之奋斗。 本会职责所在赴汤投火决无反顾 , 际此各间工友人心恍惚之时,难免不无反动之徒 及资方走狗散布谣言破坏团结。 务望 本会各工友安心工作,切勿轻听,以免中奸人之计,{极?}为至要{切?} 。。 此告 / 上海市第五区卷烟业产业工会. A translation: Announcement: The [labour] management regulation issued by the factory authorities confuses the Factory Law and violates labour conditions. Our union has already petitioned higher [government] authorities to amend these regulations as well as discuss and inform factory authorities to postpone implementation of these [new regulations]; we have been informed by letter [that our case] is already on record. But because the case concerns the wellbeing of eight thousand fellow workers, we ought to make practical preparations for a long term struggle. The union is duty-bound to go through fire and water, and absolutely will not turn back, but at a time when all fellow workers are feeling distracted, it is difficult to avoid reactionary followers and the running dogs of Capital disseminating rumours to undermine unity. We hope that fellow workers of our union continue to work in peace, but maintain vigilance, to avoid falling for the plots of villains; it is extremely important to be cautious. / 1932 August 17 / Shanghai Fifth District Rolled Tobacco Industrial Workers’ Union. See Ep01-729, Ep01-731, Ep01-732, Ep01-733, Ep01-734, Ep01-735, Ep01-736, Ep01-737, Ep01-738 and Ep01-790.




August 1933


Ephgrave, Jack




Black and white photograph