A print worker holding up a smallpox vaccination poster beside a large printing machine, Shanghai

© John William Ephgrave
University of Bristol - Historical Photographs of China reference number: Ep02-060. This photograph may well have been taken at Capital Lithographers Ltd. The poster promotes vaccination against smallpox. Translation: [vertically, from top to bottom, column on the right] 要免天花 'yao mian tianhua' (=if you want to avoid smallpox) / [vertically, from top to bottom, column on the left] 快種牛痘 'kuai zhong niudong' (=get smallpox vaccination quickly) / [horizontally, from right to left] 中華衛生教育會 'Zhonghua weisheng jiaoyuhui' (=literally ‘China Hygiene Education Society’ – but the official name should be ‘Council on Health Education’).