Crane, lighters, jetty and shipping, Huangpu River, Shanghai

University of Bristol - Historical Photographs of China reference number:DH-s109. This is a detail from a panoramic view of the Huangpu River and Bund, Shanghai. In the background, the large building on the Quai de France, is the Kin Lee Yuan Warehouse. The centre and left of this image show the China Merchants Steam Navigation Co. (C.M.S.N.C.) wharves. The twin funneled ship anchored mid-stream is the C.M.S.N.C. Yangtse paddle steamer KIANGFOO, operating to Hankow, but here on a lay day. Formerly known as the NANKING, this ship was assembled at Hongkew in 1874 from American parts. To its left appears to be one of the American-designed but British-built former Shanghai Steam Navigation Co. northern route ships now owned by C.M.S.N.C. - either the CHIN-TUNG ex SHANTUNG of 1869 or the HAE-SHIN ex CHIHLI of 1872. The identity of the ship to the right of KIANGFOO is not known. It does not appear to be painted in the colours of C.M.S.N.C. Further to the right (continuing to DH-s101) is a largish three masted C.M.S.N.C. ship, which we identify as the CHIYUEN of 1881. See also DH-s511, DH-s101, DH-s102, DH-s103, DH-s104, DH-s105, DH-s106, DH-s107, DH-s108, DH-s110, DH-s111, DH-s112, DH-s113, DH-s114, DH-s115, DH-s116, DH-s117, DH-s118, DH-s119, DH-s120, DH-s121, DH-s122, DH-s123, DH-s124, DH-s125, DH-s126, DH-s127, DH-s128, DH-s129, and DH-s130.