The 'Lyeemoon' (鯉魚門) moored by dry dock, American Concession, Hongkou, Shanghai

University of Bristol - Historical Photographs of China reference number: DH-s129. This is a detail from a panoramic view of the Huangpu River and Bund, Shanghai. The passenger steamship in DH-s129 may be identified as the LYEEMOON 鯉魚門 which was delivered at Newcastle by her builders Wigham Richardson & Co. to the German company Chinesische Kustenfahrt Ges. on 11 March 1890. The characters on the hull (read right to left) appear to say 門鯉. LYEEMOON operated regularly from Shanghai to Hong Kong and Canton (Guangzhou), and her master was Capt. Henermann. See also DH-s511, DH-s101, DH-s102, DH-s103, DH-s104, DH-s105, DH-s106, DH-s107, DH-s108, DH-s109, DH-s110, DH-s111, DH-s112, DH-s113, DH-s114, DH-s115, DH-s116, DH-s117, DH-s118, DH-s119, DH-s120, DH-s121, DH-s122, DH-s123, DH-s124, DH-s125, DH-s126, DH-s127, DH-s128, and DH-s130.